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Our Wessex family of schools

General Info

School teaching hours

Please note: teaching times are 8.45am to 3.15pm Monday to Friday. (Gates open at 8.30pm)

We have named our classes around the theme of 'Our Wonderful World'.

These are:

Fabulous Forest Class  Preschool and Reception
Outstanding Ocean Class Year 1 and 2 
Amazing Amazon Class Year 3 and 4




Collective Worship

Acts of Collective Worship are very much part of our school life. They provide an opportunity to enhance the community life and atmosphere of the school. Collective Worship is used to illustrate and embed the core Christian values and principles which underpin the Piddle Valley ethos. It is important all staff and children are involved in whole school collective worship however a child can be withdrawn if their parents have made a special request on grounds of faith. We participate in collective worship each day at 8.50am. Time table is as follows:

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Act of Worship Singing Assembly Reflection diaries SMSC Assembly Shine and Praise Assembly Stories and Parables from the Bible


Afterschool Club

We provide an afterschool club every afternoon. Options are

Times Prices  
3.15pm-4.30pm £4.50  
3.15pm-5.00pm £6.50  
3.15pm-5.30pm £8.50  

Please book through school comms.